
Showing posts from 2019

Long Time, No See

So it's been about 4 months since I last posted here, and it's been an interesting few months. M is now a fully fledged 2 year old, along with everything that encompasses that age, and he's got such a cheeky personality now. We went to the zoo for his birthday with my parents and we all had such a nice time. He even went in to see the spiders (while I stayed outside to "guard the pushchair" naturally) and got himself soaked playing with a button that shoots water out of a lion's bum. M had his settling in session at nursery today. He had a great time and was looked after very well by the older children. When I went to pick him up he was going up and down the slide and he got a little bit upset when I took him home. He's officially starting on the 23rd and I couldn't be more nervous. He will be fine but I'm not sure what I will be doing with my time! 5 whole hours 3 times a week without him will be completely weird. In other news we've taken...

New Year Resolutions

I'm not usually one for this "New year, new me" idea, but there are some things I've decided need to majorly change, and I'm actually setting resolutions to address them. 1. Work on my marriage. It's tough, he's at uni and until recently worked full time nights, so we basically never saw each other. Things came to a head after Christmas and we both realised that we need to start making time for each other again, and actually doing fun things together as a family. 2. Reach my target weight. I have been a member of Slimming World on and off since summer 2017, and rejoined in November for the final time. I lost 6lb in December then put back 4.5lb on over Christmas, so I have just under 4 stone to lose. 3. Do more things for myself. Being a parent I don't get much time for this, and it's something that needs to change, even for an hour or 2 a day. I have already started this one, I joined a Zumba class this morning and I had so much fun. 4. Rea...

Hello and welcome

Hi everyone, welcome to my blog. I've been on YouTube for a while but I have been struggling with it for health reasons since December so I thought I would come over to the blogging side of life. I plan on writing about everything, from parenting to weight loss and book reviews. So a little about myself. I'm TJ, I'm 26 years old and have a lovely son called M, who will be 2 in February. I have been married to my husband, T, for 3 years and we have been together for 8. I'm a stay at home mum but am looking at getting back into work this year. I hope you enjoy this journey with me, I'm really looking forward to sharing my life with you all.