Long Time, No See
So it's been about 4 months since I last posted here, and it's been an interesting few months. M is now a fully fledged 2 year old, along with everything that encompasses that age, and he's got such a cheeky personality now. We went to the zoo for his birthday with my parents and we all had such a nice time. He even went in to see the spiders (while I stayed outside to "guard the pushchair" naturally) and got himself soaked playing with a button that shoots water out of a lion's bum. M had his settling in session at nursery today. He had a great time and was looked after very well by the older children. When I went to pick him up he was going up and down the slide and he got a little bit upset when I took him home. He's officially starting on the 23rd and I couldn't be more nervous. He will be fine but I'm not sure what I will be doing with my time! 5 whole hours 3 times a week without him will be completely weird. In other news we've taken...